I like the feel of putting stylus to papyrus.
I use it mainly to flesh out gestational concepts.
Once I have the basic lines approaching the truth of the arc I move to computer to begin defining the details.
First up is a mechanical block constructed to see if what I've drawn fits reality. Then I fix the anomalies and start adding complexity to help create a more compelling rendering.
For vehicle designs I generally like to sketch up a three point schematic to get a feel for the shape; side, front, top.
Occasionally I will add some details like wheels or seating, maybe control systems.
For the 4-W 068 I had only a top and side view, very simplistic.
In fact, I had not considered it a top design priority among the ground vehicles I wished to see finessed but the simple nature of the lines made it a great candidate to use to teach myself the deeper capabilities of some of the sophisticated cad-type programs available.
The results were so far beyond what I'd originally envisioned that I was forced to induct it into the PreMillennial Motors stable as Project 068.
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