In the time before sophisticated computer design programs I quick sketched this two inch vision of a block diagram (on lined paper, no less) of what I referred to loosely as a flitter. It shows the basic layout of a small VTOL from the side.
Meant as a place holder, it was light on details but represented a greater body of work concerning airframe, propulsion, landing gear, human interface and flight controls, etc. It also contained the kernel of an idea that warranted a basic feasibility study.
Years later, I constructed a simple framework (for Project Dragonfly) based on the original crude drawing in order to test out the mechanical aspects of a variable geometry ducted fan concept.
The attendant video is the result.
Cartographer rules apply.
These pictures and videos clearly do not represent a comprehensive design of a vehicle capable of flight nor are they meant to. These are strictly focused visual studies that may provide reason to fund further research.
Project Dragonfly fan deployment simulation
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